Reading for Pleasure Vs. Reading for Information
Reading has always been an important skill for academy students in order for them to gain access to knowledge in the academic books. Despite this, many students who view reading in English language equally important do not actually engage themselves in English reading activities outside class hours. Reading for pleasure allows learners to acquire certain linguistic communication skills. Therefore, an experimental written report using reading for pleasure was conducted. The experimental group was exposed to reading for pleasure for v weeks, while the other group was non. Nonetheless, the control group showed amend improvement of comprehension skills in the postal service exam. Whereas, the pre-exam scores results were nearly the aforementioned. The reasons for this are explained in the discussion that follows. From questionnaires distributed, a substantial number of subjects (79%) said that reading for pleasure would help them to empathize the text ameliorate and they would pursue reading for pleasure. It is hoped that this pocket-size-calibration study would highlight the effect of reading for pleasance in improving the students' reading comprehension skills. Hereafter researchers should embrace an experimental written report which is of longer duration. A period of six months is suggested.
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Asian Social Science; 5ol. viii, No. 13; 2012
ISSN 1911-2017 Due east-ISSN 1911-2025
Published past Canadian Center of Science and Didactics
Reading for Pleasure every bit a Means of Improving Reading
Comprehension Skills
Shazila Abdullah1 , Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim1 , Roszainora Setia2 , Razita Mohamad2 , Norliana Ghazaliii ,
Elangkeeran Sabapathy2 , Gopala Krishnan Sekharan Nairii , Mohan One thousand. Muniandy3 , Ramachandran Theethappanthree ,
Westan Aida Wan Hassan4 & Nor Syamimi Iliani Che Hassan4
1 Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Flacon, Malaysia
ii Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Dungun, Malaysia
3 University of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
4 Academy of Linguistic communication Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Machang, Kelantan, Malaysia
Correspondence: Gopala Krishnan Sekharan Nair, Air-conditioningademy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA,
23000 Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia. Electronic mail:
Received: March 14, 2012 Accepted: July 5, 2012 Onlineast Published: October 26, 2012
doi:10.5539/ass.v8n13p233 URL:
Reading has always been an important skill for university students in order for them to gain access to knowledge
in the academic books. Despite this, many students who view reading in English equally important do not really
engage themselves in English language reading activities outside class hours. Reading for pleasure allows learners to
larn certain language skills. Therefore, an experimental study using reading for pleasance was conducted. The
experimental group was exposed to reading for pleasance for 5 weekdue south, while the other group was not. However,
the control group showed better improvement of comprehension skills in the mail test. Whereas, the pre-test
scores results were nigh the aforementioned. The reasons for thursdayis are explained in the give-and-take that follows. From
questionnaires distributed, a substantial number of subjects (79%) said that readin1000 for pleasure would aid them
to sympathize the text meliorate and they would pursue reading for pleasure. It is hoped that this small-scale report
would highlight the event of reading for pleasance in improving the students' reading comprehension skills.
Future researchers should cover an experimental written report which is of longer elapsing. A period of six months is
Keywords: ESL, reading for pleasure, reading comprehension, vocabulary
1. Introduction
Reading is the most integral part in language learning. Information technology enables students of a higher learning to open the
window to the exterior world as readers with strengthened reading skills volition be able to progress and attain
greater development in all academic areas. However, many students who enter postal service-secondary institutions do not
brandish avant-garde literate behaviors and are therefore u nder-prepared to function successfully in an academic
context Wyatt (1992).
In learning English language as a 2nd or foreign language, Anderson (1999), asserts that reading is the almost important
skill to master. In Malaysia, where English language is taught as a second language, reading in English language would undoubtedly
aid a learner to be practiced in the language as language tin exist learned through reading Fatimah and
Vishalache (2006). Nevertheless, a few surveys on reading habits in Malaysia showcased that tertiary level
students spent less fourth dimension reading than they used to before joining the university Sarjit and Rosy (1999). A similar
effect was found in a reading habit survey Puteri Rohani M.A. Rahim, Shazila Abdullah & Shareena Mohamed
Has (2007). The survey indicated that even though well-nigh subjects had loftier level of motivation and attitude, merely
about two third of the subjects did spend time on reading English materials outside class hours. But out of this
2 third who spent time on reading, almost half of them spent only less than1 60 minutes a week on English reading.
Poor readers are not only reluctant to read, but they also often score poorly in performance tests. The failure in
answering reading comprehension questions correctly could only betoken that they failed to sympathize the given
www.ccsenet.orm/ass Asian Social Scientific discipline Vol. 8, No. 13; 2012
Therefore, this study volition expect at how teachers could help learners understand a reading passage by highlighting
sure reading strategies in class. It is hoped that subjects would employ these reading strategies when doing
independent reading.
two. Literature Review
2.i Reading Comprehension and Reading Strategies
Many ESL learners fail to see reading comprehension as an agile process. Reading does non merely mean
decoding the text into words as it involves certain strategies and behaviors (Pressley, 2000). Many syllabuses for
reading in ESL outline the sub-skills of reading comprehension, among which are making inferences, predicting
and making conclusions. To comprehend a reading text, learners should integrate the skills and employ certain
strategies in doing and so.
According to Pressley (2000), some of the reading comprehension strategies that learners could utilize when
doing independent reading are "prior noesis activation, question generation and structure of mental
images during reading". When involvement is well adult, the level of reading comprehension may as well increase.
From this, it can exist deduced that in order to improve reading comprehension, ESL learners need to do a lot of
reading and actively participate in the reading procedure. Handouts published by offer some guidelines on reading
strategies that can be adopted and adapted to fulfill the purpose of interacting with the text.
ii.2 Reading for Pleasurdue east
Proficient readers read and understand. Recent developments in improving comprehension have focused on
promoting extensive reading that requires readers to read a quantity of SL materials over a menstruation of time Brilliant
and McGregor (1977). Krashen (1993), study on costless voluntary reading in many unlike countries shows an
improvement in reading comprehension. A similar result was also reported in Hayashi (1999), study on the
effects of extensive reading on Japanese university students' proficiency in English. It was institute out that
students who read more English books showed a major improvement in reading ability than those who read less.
According to Sheu (2004), reading extensively allows students to utilise reading strategies they learn in
skill-based pedagogy. A survey on reading habits of UiTM students in Perak Puteri Rohani M.A. Rahim,
Shazila Abdullah & Shareena Mohamed Has (2007), reveals that simply about 27% of the subjects read daily. Information technology is
also as disheartening to discover out that 4% of the subjects almost or never read at all outside class hours.
To address this result, teachers southwardhould encourage students to engage in reading for pleasure. It has been
mentioned earlier that students of higher learning chose not to read in English language due to insufficient fourth dimension and the
difficulty in understanding the text. What will then make these reluctant readers read for pleasance? According to
Nell (1988), in society for students to take upwardly reading for pleasure, they should have reading power, positive
expectations of the activity and correct book selection.
ii.3 Reading Motivation and Reading Involvement
Reading motivation refers to a person's personal goals, values and beliefs on reading topics, processes and
outcomes Guthrie and Wigfield (2000).
Motivation can be in the form of intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external) factors. When the desire to read is
controlled externally, for case, to meet teachers' or parents' expectations, readers are only extrinsically
motivated because they may not be interested to read merely they want to achieve certainorthward outcomes similar rewards or
skillful grades Deci, Koestner & Ryan (1999).
Motivation is likewise closely related to why students read. There can be diverse reasons why students are motivated
to read in English language. In UiTM, students need to read in En glish equally textbooks and references are generally in English,
which is the academy's requirement. Hither, extrinsic reinforcement with better grades for the course
assignments will exist the motivation for students to read Fatimah and Safiah (1987). However, for reading for
pleasure to occur, it requires one to take more than extrinsic motivation. Besides motivation, reading interest
plays an important role in fostering reading for pleasure. Information technology refers to the choice of reading materials according to
one's preference or interest. Hence, the subjects in this study will also exist allowed to choose their own reading
materials and read anywhere and anytime convenient to them. In summary, the focuses of this report are on:
1) Assisting students to assistance reading comprehension through certain reading strategies
ii) Encouraging students to be due eastngaged in reading for pleasure
Past this, the researchers promise to find out:
1) If by applying certain reading strategies learned in class in reading for pleasure, students are able to improve
www.ccsenet.ork/ass Asian Social Scientific discipline 5ol. viii, No. 13; 2012
reading comprehension
2) The perception of students' on reading for pleasure
3. Methodology
In this experimental study, a quantitative research design using operation tests and a questionnaire were used.
2 groups were randomly selected; ane of which was asked to take upwardly reading for pleasure for a menstruation of 5
weeks, while the other group, which was the control group, was not exposed to any approach of intervention.
Both groups were given a pre-test and mail test in gild to make up one's mind the level of improvement of their reading
comprehension skills. Questionnaires pertaining to reading for pleasance were also distributed prior to thdue east onset
and upon completion of the project to guess the students' perception and interest in reading for pleasure.
three.1 Selection of Subjects
Subjects were selected randomly from two unlike groups of Art and Blueprint Faculty at UiTM Perak. A total of
48 students took part in this report which comprised 24 students in the Experimental Group and 24 students in the
Control Grouping. The subjects are all diploma students in function iii that range between the ages of 18 to 20 years old.
Their English level proficiency is of mixed ability based on their Part 2 English effect.
3.2 Procedure
At the beginning of the semester:
Subjects in both experimental and control groups were given a Reading Test (Pre-Exam), which was the Reading
Section of the English subject Final Exam for Part 3 students the previous semester. Still, subjects in the
Experimental Group participated in a reading projection prior to the Post-Test. They were told virtually the 'Reading
Projection' after completing the Preast-Exam. Subjects were then:
1) Informed what 'reading for pleasure' was about given a questionnaire (Questionnaire one) to find out their
reading habit and mental attitude in general
2) Asked to take upwards reading for pleasance for a catamenia of 5 weeks, including outside class hours
3) Explained near the benefits of readinthousand for pleasure and focus of the project, which was to aid reading
iv) Told to collect a vast pick of reading materials that involvement them
v) Given a 'Reading Project Portfolio File' each to compile their reading materials
6) Informed about what a Reading Periodical is equally they were required to include it in their portfolio
As the Reading Projection progressed:
ane) Subjects were given half an hour twi ce a calendar week at the beginning of the English course to practise reading for pleasure.
They could read any reading material of their own choice.
2) Subjects were encouraged to talk over, talk and share their knowledge of what they had read with each other
3) Two shared reading sessions were conducted past theastward teacher, in which she demonstrated a range of
comprehension strategies, that included 'think-aloud' to formulate questions prior to reading and in response to
the text, 'inferential reading' to depict upon prior knowledge, describe conclusions and make inferences, and 'reading
journal' to encourage students to write their own view of the text and how they relate to it, thus making
connection with the text.
4) In the period of reading for pleasure in grade, subjects nosotrosre offered guidance by the instructor. To ensure that
they actively engage with the text, they were encouraged to 'think-aloud', even with the teacher.
five) To get in much easier and clearer for the subjects to apply the reading strategies, the teacher often told them
to 'call up, read, talk, think (once again) and write' (TRTTW) which would generally sum up the reading strategies
learned earlier
6) Subjects were constantly reminded to TRTTW when doing their own independent reading outside class hours.
At the end of the Reading Project:
ane) The Reading Project Portfolio File was collected from each subject.
2) They were given a questionnaire (Questionnaire 2) to find out their post overall view on reading for pleasure.
After the completion of the Reading Project, subjects in both control and due eastxperimental groups were again given
the same Reading Test (Post-Test). Asian Social Science Vol. 8, No. xiii; 2012
4. Results and Discussion
The questionnaires and performance test results were analyzed using SPSS version 11.five programme. The
frequency and per centum distribution of the responses were calculated. Since this study focuses on reading for
pleasure only relevant questions were selected for discussion.
4.1 Pre-test and Post-test Results of the Experimental and Control Groups
Every bit illustrated in Table 1 prior to the intervention approach the results of the Pre-test indicated that both Control
and the Experimental groups obtained almost like score in their operation. 67% of the Experimental Group
scored poor, while in the Control Group % obtained poor score. Only 33% achieved depression score in the
Experimental Group and their counterparts got twoscore.7% united nationsder the same category.
Table 1. A comparison of pre-test and postal service-test scores for the experimental and command groups
Score level Pre-Test Pre-Test Postal service-Test Post-Test
Exp. Gp Command Gp Exp. Gp Control Gp
n = 24 north = 27 north = 24 n = 27
Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %
P 16 67 xv 55.6 8 33.3 2 7.4
L eight 33 11 40.7 15 62.five 11 forty.7
1000 0 0 i 3.vii 1 4.2 eleven 40.7
H 0 0 0 0 0 0 three 11.two
Key: P- poor L-low One thousand-Medium H-loftier
However, after the intervention approach the result displayed in Tabular array ane showed otherwise. Subjects in the
Command Group obtained better results than their counterparts in the Experimental Group. Majority of the students
in Control Group obtained either depression score or medium which plant to 81.4%. For the Experimental Group
62.5% scored low and another 33.three% obtained poor score. After the arroyo, merely four.2% of the Experimental
Group managed to get medium score. While, eleven.two% of the Control Grouping managed to become high score for their
A paired sample t-test was conducted. As shown in Table two the result displays that the Control Group
performance was significantly better so the counterparts' results in the Experimental Grouping. The Experimental
Grouping's t value is 1.989, df = 23, p> .059. The Control Group obtained t value, 7.706, df = 26, p< .005, which
indicates that the results of the Mail-examination and Pre-examination of the group is significant. Therefore, the intervention
arroyo of using reading for pleasure has non improved the reading Comprehension skills amongst the subjects
in the Experimental Group.
Table 2. Means, standard deviations and t-value of percentage score of the pre-test and postal service-test of the
experimental and control groups
Mean Scores SD t-value df p
Experiment .37500 .92372 1.989 23 .059
Control .96296 .64935 vii.706 26 .000
iv.two Analysis of Questionnaire ane and Questionnaireast two
Table 3. Results of questionnaire ane (northward=24)
Table three displays subjects' overall view on English reading. As expected, all the subjects are aware of the
Summary of answers: Frequency *(in %)
Reading in English is important 100%
Subjects read in English to improve proficiency. 54%
Subjects read English language materials beside text and reference books during pastime. 58%
Subjects frequently read - at to the lowest degree 5 times a week. 13%
Subjects practise not read because of the inability to sympathize the text. 55%
Reading a lot of English materials volition assist to sympathize reading passages better. 96%
www.ccsenet.orm/ass Asian Social Scientific discipline Vol. viii, No. thirteen; 2012
importance of reading in English, which could also hateful that they would be intrinsically motivated to read.
More one-half of the subjects as well (54%) realized that reading in English can ameliorate their proficiency.
Notwithstanding, due to time constraint and other important tasks to do, only 58% of the subjects read English language materials
beside text and reference books during pastime and from this just a mere xiii% of them often read. 55% of the
subjects who did non read feared they that might not understand what they read. Nevertheless, well-nigh all subjects
agreed that reading extensively in English would help to improve reading comprehension.
Table 4. Results of questionnaire 2 (n=24) frequency * (in pct)
Subjects' overall view on the Reading Projection and reading for pleasance is displayed in Table iv. It is interestinm to
note that a large pct of the subjects (88%) read the collection of articles exterior class hours at least one time a
week. One fifty-fifty claimed that he/she read the articles at to the lowest degree once a day. A big percentage of subjects (83%)
also associated enjoyment due westith reading for pleasure and this could be considering they perceived the articles that
they read as interesting (83%). Besides, the frequency of satisfaction after reading the articles is likewise high (92%).
Merely only slightly more than half of the subjects (54%) would look forward to read some other commodity. Since more
than half of the subjects said that they never read in English for pleasure in the earlier questionnaire, it came to
no surprise that 75% of them had never read as many English articles as they had for the project. A substantial
number of subjects (79%) besides said information technology westwardould help them to sympathize reading text better and they would pursue
reading for pleasance.
5. Decision
From the analysis of Pre-exam and Mail service-test results of the experimental grouping, no marked difference was shown ,
whereas subjects in the Command Grouping showed quite a marked comeback in the post-test result despite having
no form of intervention during the lapse of pre-test and postal service-test. This could be due to the presence of extrinsic
motivation as the teacher expected them to exercise improve than their pre-test result and they may have in-congenital
strategies which they might have air-conditioningquired during the years of English learning.
On the other mitt, even though subjects in the Experimental Groups showed positive attitudes towards reading
for pleasure as a whole and were guided on how to apply reading strategies to aid comprehension in the course
of the Reading Projection, the results of the functioning tests indicated otherwise. The aforementioned upshot was too institute
in study in which they noted that reading amount is not a predictor for text comprehension. Thus, it is feared that
these subjects might have called articles that were below their competency level and might not have employed
the reading strategies when engaging in reading for pleasance. Hence, this could explain the consequence of the
mail service-test result. All of this points to one important criterion in using reading for pleasance to ameliorate reading
comprehension skills: time. five weeks of reading for pleasure may not exist sufficient to improve any language skills,
let solitary reading comprehension. That is why ESL learners who lack reading practice which hampers learning
evolution are unable to read fluently exterior the classroom.
Perhaps the nearly important implication of this study is the positive attitudes towarddue south reading for pleasure shown
past experimental subjects. This newly developed involvement in reading English materials outside class hours could
and so develop students into becoming a life-long reader. The recognition of the value of reading for pleasure
suggests that teachers, policy makers and curriculum designers alike should promoteast reading motivation through
reading for pleasure and not perceive reading as an activity without merit. At thursdaye same time, teachers should
Question: Hold/ Strongly
Not sure Disagree/
Strongly disagree
I enjoyed reading the commoditysouth that I had chosen. 83% 17% -
The articles that I chose to read were interesting to me. 83% 12.5% 4.5%
I felt satisfied afterwards reading the manufactures that I liked. 92% 8% -
I always looked forward to reading some other one after I
had finished reading an article.
54% 38% viii%
I have never read every bit many English articles inside 5
weeks equally I had for this project.
75% 12.5% 10.5%
After doing this project, I experience I tin sympathize a
reading text ameliorate now.
79% 21% -
I will keep reading for pleasance during my ain
free time from at present on.
79% 21% -
world wide web.ccsenet.orthou/donkey Asian Social Science Vol. eight, No. 13; 2012
design and implement activities that could provide explicit educational activity to support comprehension as it is
important to apply reading strategies while engaging in accurate reading like reading for pleasance and not as a
separate fix of skills.
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... Patrí k najdôležitejším a nevyhnutným činnostiam, ktoré sa jednotlivec má naučiť (De Naeghel et al., 2012) a ktoré využíva počas celého svojho života. Považuje sa za jeden z najdôležitejších a najzákladnejších spôsobov osvojovania si vedomostí (Pečjak & Peklaj, 2006;Yogurtcu, 2013), pričom od tejto schopnosti nezávisia len akademické úspechy jednotlivca a následné úspechy 5 povolaní, ale aj úspechy bežného dňa (De Naeghel et al., 2014;Abdullah et al., 2012). ...
... V rámci nich sa ukázalo, že čítanie výraznou mierou ovplyvňuje školské zručnosti. Množstvo času stráveného čítaním má významný vplyv na rýchle rozoznávanie slov (čo platí hlavne pre žiakov na prvom stupni základných škôl) (Morgan & Fuchs, 2007;De Naeghel et al., 2012), vývin verbálnej fluencie (McGeown et al., 2015;Morgan & Fuchs, 2007), rýchlosti v čítaní (McGeown et al., 2015), nárastu čitateľských zručností (McGeown et al., 2015), nárastu slovnej zásoby (Morgan & Fuchs, 2007), skvalitnenie schopnosti správne text analyzovať a tým pádom narastá aj porozumenie čítanému textu (McGeown et al., 2015;Morgan & Fuchs, 2007;De Naeghel et al., 2012;Abdullah et al., 2012;Paige, 2011;Wang & Guthrie, 2004). Aj výskumy v česko-slovenskom prostredí poukázali na to, že silná záľuba v čítaní sa spája s vysokým skóre v testoch čitateľskej gramotnosti žiakov (Najvarová, 2008;Homolová, 2008). ...
... Motivácia čítať je pokladaná za jeden z najdôležitejších faktorov ovplyvňujúcich čítanie (Peklaj & Pečjak, 2009). Môže byť definovaná ako súbor osobných predstáv, hodnôt, potrieb a cieľov, ktoré jednotlivec má v súvislosti south textom určeným na čítanie, procesom čítania a jeho výsledkami (Pitcher et al., 2007;Abdullah et al., 2012;De Naeghel et al., 2012;Pečjak & Košir, 2008). Zohráva dôležitú úlohu pri vývine čítania (Lau, 2009). ...
The aim of this study was to depict motives that atomic number 82 adolescents to read, or which brand them turn down to read. Furthermore, it aimed to find out potential differences in motivation and reading preferences due to age group. Totally 375 respondents participated in this written report from which 130 (34,66%) were readers. Reading motivation was measured by the Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). Motives that lead adolescents to read or which brand them refuse to read were detected with open questions. Results evidence that there are no differences between younger and older adolescents in reading motivation. The most common reading motives in younger readers were: reaching new information from books, opinion, that reading is a funny and interesting activity and reading represents an opportunity to escape from the reality for while. In the group of older adolescents were most mutual motives reaching new data, the way how to relax and escape from the reality. Non-reading younger adolescents decline to read considering they are not interested in reading, they consider the book dull and they do not have the will to read. Older adolescents exercise non read because they consider reading as a deadening activity and they do not have enough fourth dimension for it. The nigh pop genres amidst younger readers are the adventurous genre, fantasy, and novels for girls. Older readers prefer the audacious genre, fantasy, and detective novels.
... Reading scores of high school students are at substandard levels (Cookson, 2009;Garner, 2010;Jude & Udosen, 2012;Odden, 2009) because students accept not adult language skills via reading (Fahser-Herro, 2010). When students read more, then their reading skills increment (Abdullah et al., 2012;Swanson & O'Connor, 2009) by using reading comprehension strategies (Ness, 2009) such as scaffolding (Prescott, 2010). Reading comprehension programs include reading comprehension strategies (Dewitz, Jones, & Leahy, 2009). ...
... Literacy teachers should use Study Isle software in their classrooms to help students increase their proficiency in reading comprehension (Duke, 2010;Gallagher, 2009;Gewertz, 2010;National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2011;O'Connor, 2009). Study Island software can help students in understanding what they have read (Abdullah et al., 2012) via visual representations (Anderson, 2008;Rosenthal & Ehri, 2011) and feedback (Pang, 2013) when students tailor reading content (Macaruso & Rodman, 2009;Meyer et al., 2011). ...
- Rodney L. Gernert
At the enquiry site, which was one high school within a public school district, state scores in literacy of Grades ix-11 indicated that students were non meeting bookish standards. Study Island software was integrated into the literacy curriculum for Grades 9-11 students to help them ameliorate their proficiency in literacy. The purpose of this quantitative written report was to examine the effect of Study Island on country scores in literacy. The theoretical framework was based on Tomlinson's differentiated education theory. Data were collected from Grades 8-eleven students who did not use Study Island in Class 8 and used Written report Island in Grades ix-11. Information were analyzed using one-fashion repeated measures ANOVA. The findings indicated that students' reading proficiency scores were significantly higher after Study Island was used in Grades 9-11. These findings can exist used by school and district administrators regarding the integration of Study Isle into other academic subjects. The utilize of Study Island in academic subjects in Grades nine-11 may help students laissez passer standardized tests and graduate from high school.
... Reading Habits eager to read. The positive attitude actually needed to grow the students' love for reading, as stated past Abdullah et al (2012) that comprehension might meliorate when the interest was well-adult. During the observation started from the 2nd meeting, the students' participation increased drastically. ...
Positioned at the bottom ii for the literacy level globally, Republic of indonesia needs to find a breakthrough to heave people's reading habits. Reading is a complex procedure on how readers embracing the written text as a advice media, interpreting the text using the prior knowledge, then finally re-communicate the content as the prove of comprehension. Many students idea that reading was not enjoyable, so the concept of reading for pleasure could help. This present study conducted to show how the Drop Everything and Read (Dearest) approach was helpful to boost the students' habits in reading with pleasure. Many previous studies conducted on several levels of education for instance primary and secondary. So, in this written report, the participants were university students who joined English language for Specific Purposes (ESP) class. DEAR only needed to be implemented only for xxx minutes regularly, and so the students find out that the approach was helpful to ease their burden in reading. Moreover, the reading for pleasure concept offered in the approach implementation surely makes the students feel the joy of reading that mostly forgotten.
... According to (Gilbert & Fister, 2011;Krashen, 2011), reading is the thoughts of a author communicated to audiences/readers through a written and printed sequence of words. Information technology was also indicated that reading whatsoever literary texts is an interactional activity betwixt male and female i.e children, young adult and other people who has involvement and motives to achieve in life ( Abdullah et al., 2012;Kavi, Tackie, & Bugyei, 2015;Smith, 2012). Whatever reader wish to read a detail text not only gets to share the thoughts and ideas of the author simply is also capable to empathise the written words of the author. ...
Reading the story of popular romance fiction is the most powerful social activities amidst women in the Western countries, Europe, Asia and Africa for their leisure and enjoyment. In this study an attempt has been made to understand the reading habits and preferences of the young adult female person readers of Hausa popular romance fiction, the contemporary romance fiction are pop considering information technology deals with unimaginable human relationship between men and female person, the novels assistance them to solve some bug on courtship, ineqality, domestic violence and social change. In this report a face to face interviews was employed to collect their views, feelings and understanding of 10 young female readers through the Rosenblatt's Reader-response theory (1978). The data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. The findings of the study indicated 4 main outcomes which revealed the major motivating factors which includes; (i ) image of flashy car appeared at the cover folio (ii) image of beautiful flowers, (3) paradigm of gilt ring (iv) Centre images, this images played a significant role for encouraging the readers to select a novel and read the story enjoy the freedom from breaking gratuitous of gender constraints through those stories consider it every bit office of their lives.
... During the observation, the students in the EG were more than interested and excited to be involved in the didactics and learning procedure. According to Shazila et al. (2012), the about important implication of this report is the positive attitudes towards reading for shown by experimental subjects. This newly developed interest in reading bahasa Melayu materials outside class hours could developed students into becoming a life-long reader. ...
This report aims to examine the effectiveness of the LIKES method in teaching KVKV (consonant, vowel, consonant, vowel) syllables in bahasa Melayu (Malay language) among Orang Asli students in primary schools. This enquiry was conducted in two Orang Asli schools consisting of pupils aged viii to 10 years every bit the subjects of the study. Quasi-experimental methods were used to determine the effectiveness of the LIKES method. Assessments were carried out for eight weeks including diagnostic tests equally well as pre and post tests. The results showed meaning differences in the reading skills of the control group (CG) and experimental grouping (EG). The study found that the reading skills according to gender was not a significant. Results from the observations showed the Orang Asli students are more focused and enjoyed to larn while using LIKES method in class. The findings clearly testify that the LIKES method are suitable to exist given to Orang Asli students, or students in remedial classes to meliorate the skills of reading particularly KVKV syllables in bahasa Melayu.
... 2nd, the more enjoyable reading for a reader is, the more positive his or her reading personal perception is. And the more enjoyable reading for a reader is, the higher his or her understanding of his or her reading is (Abdullah, et al., 2012;Javid & Al-Khairi, 2011). Tertiary, the college the confidence brought by reading to the reader is, the higher the importance he or she puts in reading. ...
Social integration is a key component of the goals of higher instruction. Personal growth is oftentimes a result of pursuing higher education. The purpose of this report was to investigate the students' perceptions of social integration and personal growth. A cantankerous-exclusive survey blueprint using a sample of 129 students revealed that the students have a low perception of their social integration while having a moderately high perception of their personal growth. There was no departure in perception of the variables of this written report when comparisons were made by form level, gender, or major. A weak correlation was institute betwixt social integration and personal growth (north = 124, r = .20, p < 0.05).
This paper reports the results of a mixed-method written report which was conducted to investigate whether Malay ESL learners who were, at the time the study was conducted, first-year Diploma in Informatics students in a public academy in Malaysia could ameliorate their receptive vocabulary knowledge incidentally while reading silently in the classroom. A quasi experiment and a focus group interview were used to collect quantitative and qualitative information, respectively. The following were the two chief research questions of the report: a) What is the effect of focused in-class reading with writing activity on the students' receptive vocabulary knowledge at the ii,000 discussion-family level? b) What are the students' perceptions of these activities in improving their vocabulary noesis? The study ended that a short period of focused in-class reading and writing action conducted consistently tin can ameliorate L2 learners' receptive vocabulary noesis. Although both the experimental and control groups showed significant improvement in their receptive vocabulary knowledge at the 2000-word level, the vocabulary growth for the experimental group was higher than for the control grouping. In addition, the participants perceived focused in-class reading with writing activity as beneficial in improving their general vocabulary knowledge.
- Fatimah Hashim
This paper describes a program that was developed based on some of the principles of language immersion. The aim of the plan was to provide a group of low proficiency ESL learners exposure to "fun" language activities in order to motivate them to learn and use the English. The activities too as the 2 phases of the program are described. Results of a survey, interviews as well as the pre and mail service tests evidence the gains made in terms of student interest and motivation to improve their English language learning and use. Implications for pedagogy are drawn.
- Judy Huei-yu Wang
SThis study examined the extent that motivational processes facilitate the comprehension of texts and the extent of culture's part in children'southward motivational processes of text comprehension. Relationships between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the amount of reading, by reading accomplishment, and text comprehension were examined past utilizing structural equation modeling. Fourth-course students (187 U.S. and 197 Chinese) were administered a reading test and two questionnaires regarding reading motivation and reading corporeality. A concluding model fit the data well, showing that intrinsic motivation predicted text comprehension for both student groups after controlling for all other variables. Extrinsic motivation negatively predicted text comprehension except when associated with intrinsic motivation. Reading amount did not predict text comprehension afterwards controlling for motivational variables. The structural relationships were statistically equivalent across the U.S. and Chinese groups. Cultural influences on reading motivation, reading amount, and comprehension were discussed.
- Victor Nell
Spontaneous pleasure reading (ludic reading) deserves attending for at least two reasons: Information technology is an important goal of reading instruction, and it offers rewards that are powerful enough both to sustain reading for long periods and to support a big publishing industry. Considering the needs it satisfies and the gratifications information technology offers have received footling attention, the writer undertook a series of 5 studies over a 6-year menstruation in order to investigate the antecedents of ludic reading and its consequences. The five studies consider (1) reading ability and reading habits, (2) reader speed variability during natural reading, (iii) reader rankings of books for preference, merit, and difficulty, (4) the physiology of ludic reading, and (5) the sovereignty of the reading feel. Among the findings were that there is substantial rate variability during natural reading, with well-nigh-liked pages being read significantly slower; that the Fog Alphabetize of readability predicts readers' preference and difficulty rankings, but that a cloze measure does neither; that, in keeping with the Protestant ethic, readers perceive literary merit to exist inversely related to reading pleasure; that reading is physiologically more than angry than other waking activities, and is succeeded by marked physiological deactivation; that readers profoundly prize the command they exercise over their reading; and that many reading rewards are mediated by consciousness-change mechanisms that may have an analog in hypnotic trance. /// [French] Le fait de lire spontanément cascade le plaisir (lecture ludique) mérite notre attention pour au moins deux raisons: C'est united nations objectif important de l'apprentissage de la lecture et cela récompense suffisamment pour stimuler la lecture pendant de longues périodes et cascade soutenir la grande industrie de la publication. Puisque on northward'a accordé qu'une faible attention aux besoins qu'elle satisfait et aux gratifications qu'elle procure, l'auteur a entrepris une série de cinq recherches sur une période de half-dozen ans afin de découvrir les antécédents de la lecture ludique de même que ses conséquences. Les cinq recherches examinent (1) l'aptitude à la lecture et les habitudes de lecture, (2) la variation de vitesse de lecture pendant la lecture normale, (three) la classification des livres par les lecteurs selon la préférence, la valeur et la difficulté, (4) la physiologie de la lecture ludique, et (5) la suprématie de fifty'expérience de la lecture. Parmi les observations, on retrouve une variation substantielle de la vitesse pendant la lecture normale avec les pages les plus appréciées lues beaucoup plus lentement; tout en respectant l'éthique protestante, les lecteurs accordent aux livres une valeur inversement proportionnelle au plaisir de lire; on discover que la lecture est physiologiquement plus stimulante que d'autres activités d'éveil et qu'il south'ensuit une désactivation physiologique marquée; les lecteurs accordent une grande importance au contrôle qu'ils exercent sur leur lecture; plusieurs satisfactions que procure la lecture sont médiatisées par des méchanismes de changement de censor pouvant présenter une analogie avec l'état de transe hypnotique. /// [Spanish] La lectura espontánea por gusto (lectura lúdica) merece atención por lo menos por dos razones: Es una meta importante de la instrucción de la lectura, y ofrece recompensas lo suficientemente grandes para sostener la lectura por períodos prolongados y también mantener a una gran industria editorial. Debido a la poca atención que ha recibido tanto en las necesidades que satisface y las gratificaciones que ofrece, el autor llevó a cabo una serie de cinco estudios por espacio de 6 años para investigar los antecedentes de la lectura lúdica y sus consecuencias. Los cinco estudios consideran (1) habilidad de lectura y hábitos de lectura, (2) variabilidad de la velocidad de lectura durante la lectura natural, (3) la clasificación de libros por lectores en términos de preferencia, mérito, y dificultad, (4) la fisiología de la lectura lúdica, y (five) la soberanía de la experiencia de la lectura. Entre los hallazgos se encontró que hay un rango substancial de variación durante la lectura natural, donde las páginas más gustadas son leídas significativamente más despacio; que conforme a la teoría de la ética protestante, el mérito se percibe en relación inversa con el gusto por leer; que la lectura es fisiológicamente más incitante que otras actividades de vigilia, y es seguida por una deactivación fisiológica marcada; que los lectores valoran en gran medida el command que ejercen en su lectura; y que muchas recompensas en la lectura están mediadas por mecanismos de cambios de conciencia un tanto análogos al trance hipnótico. /// [German] Spontanes lesen zum Vergnügen (ludic reading) verdient Aufmerksamkeit aus mindestens zwei Gründen: Es ist ein wichtiges Ziel für den Lese-unterricht und es bietet Belohnungen, welche wirksam genug sind, Lesen über lange Zeiträume zu unterstützen und außerdem eine riesige Verlagsindustrie zu erhalten. Da die befriedigten Bedürfnisse und die Belohnungen then wenig Aufmerksamkeit erregt haben, hat der Autor eine Serie von fünf Studien, über einen vi-Jahre-Zeitraum verteilt, unternommen, um dice Antezedens des Lesens aus Spaß und dessen Konsequenzen zu untersuchen. Die fünf Studien befassen sich mit (1) Lesefähigkeit und Lesegewohnheiten, (2) Leseschnelligkeits-Schwankungen während des normalen Lesens, (iii) Leser-Buchbeurteilung bezüglich Vorliebe, Verdienst, und Schwierigheit, (4) der Psychologie des Lesens zum Spaß und (five) der Unumschränktheit des Leseerlebnisses. Unter anderem fand man heraus, daß ein wesentlicher Schnelligkeitsunterschied besteht während des normalen Lesens, nämlich indem besonders beliebte Seiten viel langsamer gelesen werden; daß in Einklang mit protestantischer Moral, Leser literarisches Verdienst invers mit Lesevergnügen als verbunden ansehen; daß Lesen physiologisch mehr erregt ist als andere Wach-Aktivitäten und daß danach eine deutliche physiologische De-Aktivierung erfolgt; daß Leser ihre Kontrolle über den Lesevorgang sehr schätzen; und daß viele Lese-Belohnungen einen Bewußtseinsveränderungs-Mechanismus vermitteln, der einer hypnotischen Trance ähnlich ist.
- Keiko Hayashi
The results of the investigation on reading strategies and extensive reading of EFL students indicate that reading a lot in both L1 and L2/FL becomes basically the most of import factor for improving reading skills rather than merely education reading strategies. Extensive reading gives learners a rich groundwork knowledge, vocabulary recognition, a high motivation for more than reading, and becomes the bones skill of rapid reading, discovery of reading strategies by learners themselves, and increases guessing ability in context.
- Michael Pressley
The 1st major section of this chapter is devoted to coverage of the ideas and research on effective naturalistic comprehension that seems virtually relevant to consider in making recommendations about comprehension reading instruction. The 2nd section is a list of instructional recommendations that brand sense based on both work pertaining to naturalistic comprehension and research straight concerned with comprehension instruction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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